Nothing on earth reviews


“This is an album of two faces.  The solo cello pieces are delivered like lullabies, yet possess an austere grace that speaks more of wakefulness.  The trio pieces adopt a brisker pace even as they register strongly at the serene end of the intensity scale.  Droplets of piano splatter off the surface of cello’s peaceful melody, and percussion is a gentle splash into the harmonic pool of accordion’s warm embrace... The way silence settles in across the length of this recording is as evocative as the way in which the trio goes about dispersing it. That comfort with silence and isolation have manifested as a string of wonderful recordings, a creative productivity deserving of notice.” Dave Sumner, Bird is the Worm


“The documentary included a score that was lovely, but brief; the recently-released album adds five songs inspired by the film... While the original tracks continue to convey a mood, the new tracks convey a myriad... Friedlander couldn’t let these pieces stay on the cutting room floor.  By rescuing them from the scrap heap, dusting them off and painting them over, he’s created a separate work of art to stand alongside the first.” Richard Allen, A Closer Listen


“...the perfect match of [Friedlander’s] masterfully cello playing with the touching accordion and the light-handed piano improvisations of Shoko Nagai as well as the soulful percussion of Satoshi Takeishi... serves as a beautiful warming coat ...and relief from extreme temperatures.” Vito Carmarretta, Chain D.L.K.


“Toch het zijn vooral de solostukken die indruk maken. Daarin vergt hij het uiterste van zijn creativiteit en zijn kunnen, en komt de cello in al zijn finesses tot zijn recht.” Gonzo Circus

“The solo pieces ...impress. In them, [Friedlander] demands the utmost of his creativity and his abilities, and uses all of the subtleties of the cello to his advantage.” Gonzo Circus


“Gerade das Dezente und Unaufgeregte der Musik vermittelt die Erfahrung von Weite und scheinbarer Unendlichkeit, die der Film ergründen will.” African Paper

“It is precisely the discreet and uninhibited nature of the music that conveys the experience of vastness and apparent infinity that the film tries to comprehend.” African Paper